At the Labor Day weekend Jinsheng Hu (Plant Protection 77’), Yanping Chen (Plant Protection 77’) and their family came to Boston to drop off Tina, their daughter at MIT for the new school year.

They visited Wang Yu (Veterinary Medicine 77’), Liu Jiang Jian (Veterinary Medicine 77’) and were greeted by two other friends of theirs, Gao Hong (Animal Sciences 77’) and his wife Yang Xiping. This photograph was taken by Tina at Wang Yu’s house and was intended to test your memory about Who is Who in HAU (literally) as part of our new prophylactic exercise to prevent Alzheimer disease particularly for those who are over the Hill. But, if you do not care about this mental capacity loss disease or really really want to cheat, please read on – from left of the back row, clockwise: Wang Yu, Yanping, Xiping, Gao Hong, Jinsheng, and Jiang Jian. Enjoy the life while you can !!!

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